Event Partners s.r.o. is a traditional professional partner for organizing international as well as domestic congresses, conferences, symposia, trainings, social events and company presentations. We provide our services primarily as a PCO (Professional Congress Organizer), or a DMC (Destination Management Company). In the first case we secure the entire event for the client, and in the second case we take care of selected individual activities only.

The company Event Partners s.r.o. was founded in the year 2000 but it´s management has had experience in the area of congress activities since the year 1991. We are therefore offering many years of experience in organizing smaller to middle sized events, as well as organizing congresses with several thousands of participants. Our services also include complete arrangement of accommodation and tourist services for the event participants as well as the running of agendas of the secretariats of professional associations and societies.

Martin Lonek is the managing director of Conference Partners.

We perceive the organization of congresses and other educational events as a unique opportunity to introduce the conference participants to significant localities in the Czech Republic and to present the Czech Republic as a state with a significant history and an interesting cultural and social present. For a number of participants in your international event, the participation in a conference may evoke a deeper interest to get to know this part of Europe better. Whether this will be the case depends strongly on the choice of a suitable partner for organization.

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